We are thrilled that the American Rescue Plan was passed into law by President Biden. While our work is just beginning, let us rejoice that our government finally passed legislation designed to help average Americans who have suffered so much. With your help, American Working Families has energetically advocated for this much needed relief. Thank you for spreading the word and for lobbying Congress to pass this much needed help.
Now we need to focus on rebuilding our economy by investing in our infrastructure.
There is bipartisan support among Americans for new investment spending -- so there should be bipartisan support in Congress to act. It is past time for Congress to pass a comprehensive infrastructure spending plan. We must invest in our crumbling roads, rails, and bridges. We deserve clean, safe drinking water, an energy infrastructure and health care system that works for all of us, better schools, a protected environment, and so much more.
We have shortchanged our infrastructure for too long. We must invest in our future by investing in infrastructure today.