Americans have gone too long without a new COVID-19 relief package. The pandemic is spiking again and millions of working families are without jobs through no fault of their own. Our government must pass a new relief package to help bridge the gap between now and when our economy is able to stand on its own once again.
We ask Congress: please help people now. They cannot afford to wait any longer.
Gene Green
Gene Green has been a tireless fighter for his constituents in Congress representing Texas' 29th Congressional District. AWF endorsed his re-election and invested in the race.
RESULT: Win (2016)
Terry McAuliffe
AWF is pleased to endorse and contribute to Terry McAuliffe for Virginia governor.​
RESULT: Elected (2013)
Tom Wolf
In Pennsylvania, AWF opposes incumbent Republican Governor Tom Corbett who has been a disaster. AWF endorses Tom Wolf for governor as the best choice to stand with Pennsylvania's working families.
RESULT: Elected (2014) - Re-Elected
Tim Kaine
In Virginia, Tim Kaine has a lengthy and solid record of being an advocate for working people while serving as governor. We proudly endorse him for the United States Senate.
RESULT: Elected (2012) - Re-Elected
Ed Lee
Ed Lee is San Francisco's best option for a stead, trustworthy leader. We are pleased to endorse him and to encourage him to run.
RESULT: Elected
Joe Biden for President
Joe Biden spent a lifetime fighting for working people. AWF believes he would be the most experienced and effective candidate for President.
We tried to draft him to run in 2016 and we are excited to endorse him in 2020.
RESULT: Did Not Run/Trump Elected (2016)
2020: Pending
Marty Walsh
Marty Walsh for Boston Mayor. AWF endorsed and was the first independent group on-air supporting Walsh's candidacy, investing nearly $1.25 million, more than any other supporting group.
RESULT: Win (2013) - Re-Elected 2nd Term
Richard Neal
Richard Neal represents Massachusetts' First Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. Neal was instrumental in the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. He currently serves as the powerful House Ways and Means Committee Chair. The combination of his progressive record and House Ways and Means chairmanship affords his constituents a powerful voice fighting for them in Congress. We are pleased to endorse his re-election.
RESULT: Pending
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren is a proven fighter for working people and we endorse her in her U.S. Senate candidacy against Scott Brown in Massachusetts.​
RESULT: Win (2012) - Re-elected 2nd Term
Steve Santarsiero
AWF endorsed Steve Santarsiero for Congress (PA-08) as the only proven progressive voice for working families. In the primary AWF launched television ads that helped Santarsiero win the Democratic nomination.
RESULT: Win/Primary - Loss/General
Elected: PA State Senate
Jennifer Wexton
In Virginia's 10th Congressional District, Republican Barbara Comstock has failed to be a trusted ally for working people. AWF endorses change and endorses Democrat Jennifer Wexton.
RESULT: Elected (2018)